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High Voltage All-rounder - IT-M3100 Series Compact Programmable DC Power Supply

ITECH's highly regarded IT-M3100 seriesprogrammable DC power supply has won wide recognition for its excellentperformance and reliability in domestic and foreign markets. The newly launched1500W model doubles the power while the body size remains compact, occupyingonly half of the standard rack space, with a height of 1U, making it ideal fordesktop use or rack stacking. Both panel operation and remote control areextremely convenient. In addition, the IT-M3100 series supports up to 256channels of synchronized control, dramatically increasing applicationflexibility.


The new 1500W model inherits thehigh-performance features of the series, such as programmable voltage-currentslope and adjustable CC/CV priority, and introduces a constant power CPlimiting function, which is especially suitable for application scenariosrequiring precise energy management, such as battery charging, high-speedcentrifuges, laser equipment, and so on. Its intelligent regulation functioncan effectively protect the equipment and prolong its service life, while thestable and long-lasting output and wide output range make it more widelyapplicable.

The power supplies are used in a wide rangeof industries including, but not limited to, automotive electronics,semiconductor processing and aging test, aerospace and satellite test, laserdiodes, heaters, RF amplifiers and magnets, water purification systems, medicalimaging and therapy systems, 3D printing, RF communications, electrolytichydrogen production, and more.

For customers looking for an efficient andreliable power solution, the IT-M3100 Programmable DC Power Supply Series 1500Wmodel is certainly the ideal choice. Please feel free to contact us for moreproduct information, and we look forward to providing excellent service andsupport for your project.

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